Remote Jobs

Russia, Russia

Hi! We're FreeUp!

FreeUp is a freelance marketplace dedicated to connecting business owners with talented freelancers and remote workers from all over the world.

We believe that freelancing is the future of business, and we're building the best community for freelancers possible.

Want to learn more about FreeUp? Check out our website here, our Glassdoor reviews here, or read this feature in the LA Times about how we're the freelance platform everyone wants to be part of.

About Freelancing With FreeUp:

  • Hundreds of freelance job opportunities posted every week
  • Set your own hourly freelance rates (or fixed-rate projects)
  • Set your own work from home schedule
  • Work and earn as much as you want freelancing
  • 24/7 support for freelancers
  • Webinars, resources, and a Slack workspace to help build your freelance business
  • A dedicated internal team who is here to support you and help you succeed!

Jobs to Expect Freelancing on FreeUp

We have clients looking for freelancers across all sorts of industries and experiences. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Web Development (WordPress, Full Stack, PHP, Shopify, Javascript, etc. etc.)
  • Amazon PPC, FBA, and Amazon Virtual Assistants freelancers
  • ECommerce freelancers
  • Graphic Design freelancers
  • UX/UI and Web Design freelancers
  • Remote Sales, Appointment-Setting and Telemarketing freelancers
  • Translation freelancers
  • Customer Service freelancers
  • Digital Marketing freelancers
  • Lead Funnel Expert freelancers
  • SEO freelancers
  • PPC freelancers
  • Bookkeeping freelancers
  • Social Media Management freelancers
  • Social Media Paid Ads freelancers
  • Email Marketing freelancers
  • Copywriting freelancers
  • Virtual and Executive Assistant freelancers
  • And many, many more!!